"What is a doula?" I have heard this question many times. I have seen/read definitions on social media platforms. I have been imprinted by "concepts" of doula instead of doulas themselves. I am a doula. I want to offer conversations - faces - voices to the collective. . Birth doulas are beginning to be know....so are postpartum doulas......but there are many other doulas. A doula is a person whom serves others in support while an individual crossing a threshold: support through a transition. It is impossible to short list what a person as a Doula provides. Because of this - the doula voice is unique. The doula voice is valuable. The doula voice is formed by real life transitions - all the parts to that - standing witness to them - and how supporting those whom are living them. The doula voice is build from the "tough bits" the REAL bits. The bits that need support and require normalizing. The doula voice is universal. It knows no limitations of person or experience. . I want to build the collective concept of what doula is. I believe a collective is as strong as the voices shared within it. Many collectives are missing voices. I am a doula - asking other doulas to come share their voice. Why Tea? I deeply appreciate tea. I love mixing it, the history and power of herbal medicinals, the conversations over cups of tea, the nourishment of warmth and how it feels when receiving a cup of tea into the body. Tea for me is mind and body soul care: Nourishment. Doulas aim to nourish those they serve. Therefore in my mind.... Doulas are Tea. THE MOON>TEA>DOULA VOICE I appreciate staying connected to the sky above me and seeking its guidance. I have organized the tea talks around the lunar cycles. I am asking doulas to speak with me on the new moon and full moon. Candid, truth speak conversations - sharing their voice. A COLLECTIVE: disease in boundaries I believe a true collective appreciates differences. That can be extremely triggering. Differences challenge a persons boundaries - so let's take a few breaths and look at boundaries. BOUNDARIES are limitless Whaaaaaaaaat? Stay with me. Everyone has their own boundaries. A boundary is formed from life experiences - beliefs- information absorption - and yes...a boundary is rooted in judgment - and therefore is limitless to the individual whom is building their boundaries. Boundaries become realities as the person embodies them. Some boundaries are physical - some are mental. Boundaries are a constant negotiation. They can change. They can evolve. Boundaries are incredibly hard to understand and therefore for "upfold" as a boundary itself is build in a very evolving-life-dependant-personal-experience-way. YIKES Boundaries are important. Being open to understanding boundaries as confussing - can be helpful. Respecting boundaries is a necessity. So is: building them, voicing your own, listening to others build them, appreciating the existance of boundaries, knowing the boundaries may change and not asking them to change. Confusing? Yeah. Normal? I think...BIG YEAH. Why am I talking about boundaries? Because when you have different voices come together - boundaries rub up on each other. Perspectives are shared. Realities are challenged. Conflict and friction can lead to hurt feelings. I see this as a possibility with these talks. I acknowledge the disease (dis-EASE of emotions) that can come from challenged boundaries or perspectives. I want these talks to be growth potential for anyone participating within them. UNDERSTANDING a collective is only as strong as the voices and person within it. the move perspective - the stronger the collective. THAT BEING SAID..... I am placing boundaries within this project as I am the one creating it. So..... This space (project) strives to be: inclusive willing to share the tough bits respectful of differences real conversation non- judgmental Accountability: help it thrive When you are a loving person whom becomes an accountability reminder for another loving person - GROWTH happens. Let's try and foster that. LOGISTICS 30-60 minute interviews with me on my Instagram account (or via another video platform) The doula whom is speaking with me picks their topic Begin the talk by making yourself a cup of tea. Tune in to listen. The live recording of the talk is given to the doula whom spoke. It remains live on my instagram account for one lunar cycle. On the Patreon page is where you will find all information: a tea recipe or recommendation from the doula whom spoke, their book recommendation and a personal quote of theirs. Allowing this to grow..... If this feels like ooey-gooey good to you, and you would like to support this project: Please follow my instagram account as that is the current platform I am using for this project along with this blog. Please consider joining the Patreon Page in supporting this project. If you would like to share your voice over a cup of tea to add your voice to the collective: please start a conversation with me. 2021 is currently filled. I am starting a list for 2022. The more conversation we have: the more growth happens. I cannot say where this will lead. I am hoping big things. There are many roots to this project which nurture it - I will be sharing those roots along the way. I want to say THANK YOU for being here. I am so excited to journey with you on this. With gratitude,
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AuthorI adore being a mom. Each day is filled with small moments of joy...and some challenging ones too! All of it is just too precious. Archives
January 2021
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